Emmaline D’Urbervilles


Running low on wardrobe choices; especially for a perfectly temperate day, I borrowed this Ann Taylor Loft silk chiffon aquamarine paisley halter dress from mom

I had to pear down the size 6 top with a wide navy belt and a few coral pink accessories to pop; like the ballet flats by Dorothy Perkins (found in the charity shop for 3 pounds 50) and the bow bracelet found at Debenham’s marked down to 3.99(~$7.50 USD)

I imagined for a while that I was  Thomas Hardy’s female pagan protagonist with the windblowing through my hair at this sacred site, but without the tragic ending.

When I got home later that evening; I saw what I thought was an adorable knit beanie; but was sorely disappointed to realize it was only a teacozy…silly me.

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