To thine ownself be true


The quote that inspires my fashionsense and so I needed to channel my inner Ophelia for today’s literary journey to Stratford upon Avon. Here I am sitting outside the very cottage where the bard himself was born and raised on Henley St.























I layered a floral blouse from H&M ($7) over this beautifully patterned Plenty by Tracy Reese dress (donated by Mum)  and added a wide belt ($1.90 @ thrift) Navy was the only color I packed, but it wasn’t too garrish over the deep purple top.
































I look like I’m ready to spontaneously spout a sonnet; although the dress not covering my ankles would’ve been scandalous in those days; sorry didn’t have room to pack a petticoat.




Now these guys are the real deal













One of the hilights of the day was eating in the oldest pub in town; it was definitely here when William was around

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